A Beautiful Summer Homebirth in Austin, TX

The warmer temperatures in Austin have me very excited to share this gorgeous summer home and water birth with you. The thing I love about birth is that no two stories look the same. Especially homebirths. Some are in tight quarters, some are in wide open spaces, some are quiet and private, and others are well attended and more like a party (like this one). The Anthon’s birth stories have always been among my favorites. They are color loving, full-of-life people and for them birth is a family affair. So capturing multiple reactions to their newest addition, and their laid back join-the-birth-circle dynamic was such a treat. Add you just can’t top a quick daytime birth with the amazing Erica Steele and Julia Bower as your midwives.


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    Award winning birth and newborn photographer, serving the Austin, Cedar Park, Round Rock and surrounding areas.


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